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Lydia's Secret (The Secret Series Book 1) Page 4

  Chapter Five

  Men should not look that good, Lydia thought as Roman rushed back inside the house. Snow and ice clung to his wind-tousled hair, giving him a boyish appearance. Her fingers itched to trace the muscled ridges on his stomach and chest. A moment in the bathroom with him definitely hadn’t been enough.

  “Sorry it took so long,” he murmured, closing the door behind him.

  Her gaze dropped to his side where she’d seen blood earlier. “Are you hurt?”

  He seemed uncomfortable with her assessment. “It’s just a scratch.”

  She decided to let it go for now. “You look half frozen.” Like a sex-cicle. She waved toward the kitchen from her position on the couch. “Would you like some coffee or hot chocolate?”

  There was no hesitation in the way he looked at her, no doubt he found her attractive. Roman Castillo struck her as the kind of man who took what he wanted and made a woman very glad he did so. “Maybe later. I think I should go shower. You should try to get some rest. I sleep during the day, so this is my witching hour.”

  She rested her chin on the back of the couch and smiled. “Sleep during the day, huh? What are you, a vampire?”

  “More of an insomniac. It’s hereditary.”

  She shrugged. “That’s what I would say if I were a vampire.”

  Mischief danced in his eyes. “Really? Have you given this a lot of thought?”

  “You’re looking at a horror movie fanatic. There’s not a single B-rated gore fest I haven’t seen. Who hasn’t thought about being a vampire?”

  “Who indeed?” He turned away.

  She let her gaze drift down his body to the fine lines of his ass. Move over, Jason Momoa, you have competition.

  Lydia buried her face in the blanket. What the hell was she doing drooling over a complete stranger? She took a steadying breath and gently probed the back of her head where a dull throbbing still lingered.

  Her hair had dried in small clumps—from sweat or blood, she didn’t know. At least there’d been no stitches.

  She stood and shut down the lights. Only the television stayed on since Jacie liked to wander out and lay on the couch when she couldn’t sleep. Lydia made her way down the hall.

  What if Jacie gets up while Roman is here? Lydia hesitated outside the bathroom and turned her ear toward the door to listen. The shower was already running, which meant he was probably nude while warm water sluiced down his body. Her cheeks flushed hot and her pulse did a funny leap. Roman was a well-cut man. One who apparently earned those lovely muscles, if the thin scars on his body were any indication.

  Now wasn’t the time to tell him about her daughter’s habits, she guessed, backing away from the door. Roman would probably be gone before Jacie woke anyway.

  She moved away from the door and headed toward the sanctity of the master bedroom. A nice, brisk shower would do her good. The thought of a long soak in the tub as an invitation for her mind to conjure up fantasies of her naked houseguest definitely wasn’t on her list of good ideas at the moment.

  Lydia peeked in on Jacie one last time. The little girl’s breathing was soft and steady, assuring Lydia that she slept. She pulled the door closed, but left her own open as she entered the master bedroom. The thought of not being able to hear Jacie if she needed something was unthinkable.

  Lydia padded across the carpet to her dresser. She dug into the pockets of her uniform, pulling out stickers, a gum wrapper, and loose change that she’d accumulated throughout her workday.

  She tugged Jacie’s letter out and stared at it, aware that she’d have to sneak it out of the envelope and reseal it before morning. Her stomach gave a little twist of excitement.

  Jacie had been uncharacteristically close-lipped about what she wanted for her birthday. Baltha will know. That was all she would say. Her grandmother had told Jacie that her guardian angel’s name was Baltha when she was three years old. She never forgot it.

  Lydia strode into the bathroom and set the envelope down beside the sink. Taking off her scrubs, she dumped them into the hamper, before lowering the toilet lid to sit.

  The water came on with a twist, and a quick test told her it had to warm up. She dried her hands and opened the envelope with a mischievous grin, then unfolded the paper. Jacie had used blue and red markers to make her words. It took a moment for Lydia to make out her daughter’s requests, and another for her heart to shatter.

  Everything faded but the words.

  Oh, Jacie. My precious baby. Tears spilled silently from her eyes.

  Chapter Six

  Roman turned off the shower and swiped a hand down his face. Blinking to clear his vision of the remaining water, he reached for the fluffy towel he’d hung over the curtain rod. He made quick work of drying his hair, cringing at the pungent mix of perfumes in the shampoo and conditioner. Scents were always stronger when he craved blood.

  After briskly drying off, he patted down around the healing wound on his side. It had taken a thorough cleaning to quicken the process.

  He wouldn’t be able to send anyone out to retrieve the weapon with the snow coming down in sheets. If he knew Simon, it wouldn’t be there by morning’s light. He ran a finger over the raised skin, assuring himself that it would be a thin scar by dawn.

  Roman hung the towel over the curtain rod before pulling on boxer briefs, jeans, and a sweater. He shoved the sleeves up to his elbows and opened the door.

  A faint noise sent the hairs on the back of neck tingling. Simon? He stilled as he focused on his surroundings. Scent was compromised, but his ears picked up the soft sounds of crying.


  Roman ran with vampiric speed, coming to stop at the child’s door. He reached for the knob only to stop himself before he touched it. Something felt off in the little girl’s room. But Lydia wasn’t in there, and he needed to find her. He made a mental note to investigate his suspicions later.

  He closed his hand and hurried on, reaching out once more to his surroundings. Lydia’s distinct feelings pulled him to a room with an open door. Terror and anger were powerful enough emotions that he could have sensed them before entering. No, this was something else entirely. He could hear water running in the background, muffling her indistinct cries.

  Is it her injuries? The room was a blur to his speed as he raced toward the bathroom door and jerked it open.

  Lydia stared up at him in tear-stained shock, wearing only a bra and panties. The lacy kind. His grip tightened on the doorknob.

  “What are you doing here?” Her voice was thick with emotion, and she dragged a towel down to cover her body, her eyes widening with something close to fear.

  “I heard you crying. Is it your head?” He entered the room, kneeling at her feet with his palms out. “Easy. Don’t be frightened. Jeanie was pretty descriptive about what she’d do to me if you came to harm.”

  His attempt at humor fell on deaf ears if her expression was any indication.

  “I’m fine. It’s not my head.” She turned her face away from him in an attempt to hide, and he noticed a sheet of paper clenched in her fist.

  “What makes you cry like this?” He leaned in and brushed away a tear.

  She pulled back from his touch, swiping a hand against her cheek. The paper fell to her lap and he picked it up.

  “Hey, that’s mine.” She made a grab for the letter, but the towel slipped.

  Roman moved out of her reach to settle back against the wall. “Is this why you’re upset?”

  “Don’t.” Her voice cracked.

  His gaze caught on the first line of the words.

  Dear Baltha,

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s Jacie’s letter to her guardian angel. Please.” She reached toward him with her fingers outstretched and her eyes full of grief. His chest constricted, making it hard to breathe. Nothing on earth would keep him from finding out what had caused so much heartbreak. Nothing.

  He attempted a smile. “I like the fact that she’s using b
lue and red markers. I’m sure Baltha will appreciate that.”

  She let her hand fall back onto her lap, unable to prevent the tears from flowing again.

  Roman cleared his throat and went back to reading.

  Dear Baltha,

  My name is Jacie. I am 6 years old. I bet it is cold on the North Star. Do you use special dust to fly like Tinker Bell?

  He grinned.

  My Mom said I could make cookies for you when you come to my house. Her name is Lydia. She is pretty and smells good. Can you bring me a puppy for my birthday? I was good this year.

  “Pretty and smells good, huh?” He winked at her. “I think cookies are a good way to bribe him for a puppy.”

  She shook her head and more tears escaped. “Keep reading.”

  And Baltha, can you please send another little girl to my mom so she won’t cry too much when I’m gone? The doctor says I’m sick, so I will have to leave her soon. Here is my picture. Sorry I have no hair. Tell your pet Fangton that I sleep with him at night.

  Love, Jacie.

  Roman gripped the letter so tight he was afraid it would crumble in his hand.

  “What’s—” His throat closed.

  “She has leukemia. It’s very aggressive.” Her voice wavered.

  Leukemia. A cancer of the blood. That was what he’d sensed at the child’s door.

  A single picture lay on the floor near Lydia’s feet, and he picked it up. It was a little girl with a mischievous smile more recent than the photo he’d seen on the mantle. Her eyes were sunken in slightly with a weariness that went far beyond her young age. The beautiful hair she’d had in the earlier pictures was gone, but the kid looked cute even bald.

  “She lost her hair this summer, and it didn’t grow back in time for school pictures. I buy them every year.”

  “She’s very pretty.”

  “Yeah. She wants a puppy and a kid to keep me company when she’s gone.” Lydia broke down on the last word and curled into herself. “A little girl shouldn’t be thinking of things like this.”

  Roman rose and lifted her, pulling her against his body. He sat down where she’d just been, cradling her on his lap, and rocked her gently as heartbreaking sobs racked her frame. He understood the pain of losing someone you loved.

  “She should be playing. Laughing.” Her voice rose.

  His eyes slid closed and his head tilted back against the wall. A vampire had to face that kind of loss every time he grew close to humans. But this baby. This little girl...

  Ione had lost everything to war. And lost everything again when she’d become immortal. Two thousand years later, and fate still toyed with her family.

  He brought his head up and brushed his lips against her forehead. Stark, painful emotion flooded him…her quiet grief and tight-knit fury at the situation, her fear for Jacie’s pain. So many things tore through him...unlocking feelings inside he’d thought long dead.

  Lydia tilted her face up, and his heart stuttered. Her eyes were filled with so much loss. He dipped his head and brushed his lips against hers. She opened her mouth under his, and he deepened the kiss.

  She tasted of salt and sweet heat. Delicious. He licked each lip, teasing them both. This, I can do. His cock grew hard, and the sensitive skin beneath the head brushed the rough material of his jeans. He moaned against her mouth.

  Her breath came out on a sigh, and he felt a different kind of tension rise in place of the sorrow. One he could handle.

  She pulled him closer, mimicking his teasing kisses, and he wanted time to stand still. His fingers cupped her face, caressing her with every slide of his lips. She reminded him of sunlight and rain. Her scent was a beacon that called to both man and beast inside him.

  Roman trailed his mouth over her jaw to the soft curve of her throat. Bloodlust was barely restrained. He pressed heated kisses down to the place where her neck met shoulder. The sweet spot he’d love to sink his teeth into.

  Her fingers dug into his hair, pulling him tightly against her. A dark thrill twisted in his gut, and his gums itched to release his fangs. He wanted her to beg him to bite her, to want it as much as he did.

  Lydia suddenly stiffened in his arms. “I’m sorry.” She jumped from his lap and stumbled to the door, fleeing the room.

  Roman stared after her. He rose and followed her through the door in time to see her snatch up a robe. Her flushed face was lovely and those kiss-swollen lips enticing. She wouldn’t look at him. That wasn’t a good sign.

  “Jacie needs me.” She nearly ran from the room in her haste to leave.

  It took a second for him to calm his roaring hormones enough to notice the child’s call.

  Nothing like taking advantage of a woman when she’s crying, he thought in disgust. Two thousand years of experience convinced him he was in for a long night. Roman pushed a hand through his hair and went back to shut off the shower. Setting Jacie’s letter and picture on Lydia’s bed, he left the room.

  He paused outside the little girl’s door, focusing on Lydia’s voice as she soothed Jacie the way only a mother could… Champions against the darkness.

  One wrong move, and Lydia’s light would be destroyed the way Ione’s had. Roman made his way to the guest room to give her some space and will his lust into submission.

  Chapter Seven

  Lydia eased the blanket back and quietly climbed from her daughter’s bed. She hated that Jacie sometimes had nightmares. Her precious baby suffered enough in waking hours and didn’t deserve to have her dreams invaded by monsters also.

  She kissed Jacie’s forehead before pulling the cover back up to her chin and left the room. Leaving the door open a crack in case Jacie needed her again, Lydia tiptoed back toward the bathroom to finish her shower. She wondered if Roman had gone to bed.

  There was no sign of him in the hallway or her bedroom. A part of her had hoped to find him splayed out naked on her bed, but she knew that would never happen after the way she’d cried all over him.

  Embarrassment was becoming an ongoing emotion where he was concerned. She certainly hadn’t meant to break down in front of him, but the letter had devastated her. Jacie’s handwritten words to her guardian angel had ripped Lydia’s heart out.

  She ambled into the bathroom, disrobed, and turned on the shower. A moan of pleasure escaped in the midst of the steam now billowing around her as she stepped under the hot water.

  Her thoughts turned back to Roman and the feel of his tongue on her neck. A vision of his mouth closing over a nipple sent heat straight to her core. Her breasts became heavy and her pussy grew slick with need. She coasted a hand over her bare mound with just enough pressure to wring another moan from her.

  Tilting her head back under the spray, she let the water cascade down her skin, mimicking a lover’s caress. She slid a finger lightly over her clit in teasing circles while flashes of Roman in various positions played through her mind. He was above her, behind, under and inside, touching everywhere at once.

  An orgasm rushed up, and his name burst uninhibited from her lips. The feeling was so incredible she had to lock her knees to stay upright. Lydia grabbed on to the bar above the soap dish as waves of sensation scattered through her lower body to contract inside her pussy over and over again. Roman.

  She stood there for some time until breathing became easier and her legs stopped trembling. Dear God, I want him.

  The rest of her shower went by in a blur of soap, shampoo, and thoughts of her houseguest. It amazed her how attracted she was to him. She’d only known him a short time and had already fantasized about the man while touching herself.

  The room grew dim as she shut off the water and snagged a towel. Pain grew behind her eyes, and a buzzing sound echoed throughout the small space. A wave of dizziness hit seconds after stepping out of the shower, and she reached for the counter.

  Pale blue eyes glowed from a dark corner of her bedroom. Fear held her immobile on the bed as they stared at her without blinking.

  “Come to
me.” A man’s voice drifted from shadows.

  “Who are you?” She shook so badly she could barely get the words out.

  He remained silent, watching her with those intense, terrifying eyes.

  It took everything she had to keep her frightened gaze on him and inch toward the edge of the bed. She was sure he could hear her heart pounding. She could feel every painful beat abusing her chest and restricting the oxygen to her brain.

  He was on her before her feet touched the floor, pinning her shoulders to the mattress. “You belong to me, Ione.”

  “You’re mistaken. Please—”

  “Silence,” he hissed.

  He gripped her chin in a not-so-gentle hold, turning her face to the side. “Relax. It’s less painful if you don’t fight.”

  Something pierced her neck, giving her the courage to scream. “Roman!”

  * * * *

  “I’m here, Lydia. It’s okay.”

  “I knew you would come.” Tears ran down the sides of her face.

  “Open those beautiful eyes for me. You’re safe.” It tore at his heart to see her so pale and afraid. He snatched up the towel lying next to her and covered her body before he was tempted to blanket her with something else. Like him, for instance.

  Her lashes lifted, and she stared up at him without blinking. “Roman.”

  “We really have to stop meeting like this.” He cradled her in his arms, attempting a reassuring smile.

  “He bit me!” she cried, clawing at her neck.

  Roman covered her hands with his own. “No one bit you. You’re in the bathroom. See?” He gestured with his chin. “You must have fainted.” Protective instincts rose to the surface. “Were you remembering the attack?”

  “I don’t know what happened. I was in a strange room with a man. His eyes…glowed.” She shuddered. “He…” Her gaze searched his. “He called me Ione.”

  His arms tightened around her. She’d somehow experienced Ione’s memories.

  He had narrowly made it in time to prevent her head from hitting the counter when she’d blacked out. If he hadn’t been standing outside the door fighting his demon after hearing her moan his name…