Taboo: A Stepbrother Romance Read online

Page 4

  The hours passed at a snail’s pace, and Ember glanced at her watch for the tenth time. Thirty minutes, and she could leave for the day. She was all too aware that Alan wasn’t happy about being on call, but she’d covered for him on last rotation so he could help a friend move to a new apartment.

  Ember shut down the laptop and placed it in the leather case she carried everywhere. She removed her purse from the desk drawer and dropped her cell in a side pocket before attempting to organize the desk.

  Her office phone rang just as she bent to put on the heels that were obviously designed by a man who’d never walked in a pair before. She snatched it up on the third ring. “Ember Wells.”

  “Hey, it’s me.” Laura sounded as tired as she felt. “The editor in chief wants to see us before we leave.”

  “Both of us? This can’t be good.”

  Laughter echoed through the line. “We’re in no trouble, goddess of suspicion. She said it wouldn’t take more than five minutes.”

  Ember checked the time and almost groaned. “It can’t wait until tomorrow?”

  “Obviously not. See you there. And, Em?”


  “Congratulations again on the promotion.” The line went dead before Ember could respond.

  Returning the phone to the cradle, Ember shouldered her purse just as a text message sounded from its depths. She fished out her cell and slid a thumb across the screen. It was from Clay. Hi. Working until eight tonight. Can you stop by?

  Nerves made her stomach tighten. She ran a hand through her long, dark hair and sent back a response. Have plans tonight, but will stop for a short visit on my way home from work.

  Ember had thought about the detective many times in the last couple of months. He was about six feet tall with pale blue eyes and dark blond hair that rested on his collar. He obviously spent time at the gym to stay in shape and filled out a pair of jeans in all the right places.

  Nice . She rolled her eyes at her lustful thoughts, slipped the phone back into its resting place, and grabbed the black leather computer bag. The forgotten manila envelope caught her eye as she turned to go. She stuffed it into her purse before switching off the lights and locking up.

  Ember took the stairs up one floor to Kalli’s office with more than a little curiosity leading the way. The editor in chief rarely called after hour meetings, which told Ember one thing, something was up regardless of Laura’s lack of concern.

  Tapping lightly on the door, Ember stepped inside to find Laura already there, seated in front of the editor in chief’s desk. Both women smiled in greeting.

  “You wanted to see me?” She took a seat and set the computer bag next to her chair.

  Kalli got to the point. “There’s been a complaint.” She held up a hand when Ember would have interrupted. “I know it’s bullshit, but it has to be addressed. I don’t have time for petty games, and I believe that’s exactly what this is. You made lead photojournalist, and that’s going to come with a certain amount of problems. I’m telling you this so you know to be careful.”

  Ember cleared her throat. “May I ask what the complaint was?”

  Kalli rubbed her eyes, causing the light to reflect off the three small rings of her eyebrow piercing. “You’re accused of landing the lead position by sleeping with Barry Freeman.”

  “What?” Laura practically shouted. “That’s the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever heard.”

  Ember was too stunned to respond. Freeman was the president of the Lakeland Hedger, an older man in his late fifties or early sixties. She just stared at the editor in chief as if she’d grown an extra head.

  She finally found her voice. “Who is my accuser?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t answer that. It’s against company policy. But I will say this. He is obviously upset you were promoted.” Kalli gave Ember a knowing look before turning her attention back to the pissed-off blonde stick of dynamite. “Calm down, Laura. I’ve addressed it and closed it all in the same breath. Believe it or not, I can smell shit long before it enters that door.” Her chin jerked in the direction of the entrance.

  Laura gaped at her. It was obvious she was attempting to choose the right words. “What an ass.” Or maybe not.

  Kalli’s lips twitched before she turned her attention back to Ember. “Congratulations on a job well done. Have a great time tonight. You deserve it. And don’t give this another thought. Just watch your back; I’ve seen it happen before.”

  “Thank you. I will.” She stood to go, still stunned by what she’d just heard.

  Laura got to her feet and extended a hand to the editor in chief. “Come with us. It’ll be fun. Think of the complaints that would pour in. We’d all be accused of doing Barry before the week’s end.”

  Kalli accepted her palm and winked. “Tempting, but I have a date this evening.”

  “Oh?” The petite blonde’s brows shot up.

  Kalli retrieved a book from the desk and winked at her. “My fantasy date for the evening.”

  Laura’s gaze zeroed in on the gorgeous cover model on the front. “Damn, he’s hot.”

  The other woman laughed. “You have no idea. I’ll drop it by your office when I’m done with it.” She glanced at her watch. “I have to run. You two, be careful tonight.”

  They said their good-byes, and Ember practically limped to the elevators in her Satan spawned stilettos. She exited the building and made her way to the new Honda she’d just purchased. She loved the black SUV, had always wanted one. The pay increase with her recent promotion had made it a reality.

  It’s hotter than ten hells in here, Ember thought as she unlocked the driver’s-side door, deposited her bags onto the passenger seat, and climbed behind the wheel.

  The engine purred to life with a turn of the key, and she wasted no time switching on the air conditioner. Summer had never been her thing, and too many trips to the doctor with sun poisoning growing up had broken her of any hopes of a tan line.

  Ember donned her sunglasses and grabbed her purse in search of some gum. The manila envelope sticking out drew her attention, and she decided to check it while waiting on the temperature in the car to drop to bearable conditions. Now I know what hell feels like.

  She ran a nail under the tab and shook the contents free. “What the…” Ember stared in shock as two photographs spilled out onto her lap. One of the house where the most recent woman had been strangled barely two days earlier, and one of herself.

  Her hands trembled as evidence of the Watcher mocked her. It can’t be . Her gaze darted around the parking lot expecting to find him watching her. There was no one there. He’s behind bars , she mentally chanted to herself. Who would do this? Alan was the first person that came to mind. Surely he wouldn’t do something so sick? Unless…

  She replaced the photos, threw the car in gear, and sped out of the parking lot to head home. Life has just returned to normal, and I’ll be damned if some nut job, copycat wannabe is going to waltz in and screw it up. If Barry gets wind of this, he’ll pull me from the field. Not going to happen.

  Her phone buzzed with a text message, but she ignored it, guessing Detective Harper was probably checking on her arrival time. She would message him with an excuse, she decided while gaining speed. After going home and thinking up a believable lie. I’m sorry, Clay.

  Ten minutes later Ember pulled into the designated space in front of her condo and shut down the engine. She’d gone over every scenario she could come up with as to why someone would want to toy with her. The new janitor sprang to mind several times before her thoughts turned back to Alan.

  She grabbed her things, locked the car and took the stairs two at a time to the second floor.

  By the time she reached the door her feet were screaming to get out of the punishing stilettos. You are so going in the trash as soon as I get inside.

  The heavy bags suddenly slipped from her shoulder as she attempted to slide her key into the lock. Shit. My laptop.

  Ember scrambled
to prevent the impending disaster when a hand suddenly locked on to the straps. She could only stare at the fingers in surprise before her gaze traveled up a thickly muscled bicep, across a broad chest encased in a black T-shirt, and finally to one of the most beautiful faces she’d ever seen on a man in her lifetime.

  Dark silky hair hung loose around his shoulders, and a wide mouth was turned up at the corner. Moss-green eyes seemed to burn a hole through her. He was so tall she had to tilt her head back to take in all of him.

  Ember realized she was gaping and quickly backed up a step, embarrassed she’d been caught ogling the guy. “Thank you. I’m Ember Wells, and I live here.” I live here? Jesus. Could I sound more idiotic?

  His answering grin was adorable. He took possession of the bags and stepped closer. “Angelo Dimitrov, and I live here also.”

  Yeah, he’s definitely fighting a laugh.

  Heat crept up her neck, and not just from embarrassment. His scent surrounded her, causing butterfly sensations to erupt inside her stomach. No overpowering cologne or body spray permeated the air. The smell was all him, and man, he was intoxicating.

  Ember extended her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Angelo.”

  “My friends call me Angel.”

  All thought fled the moment his palm touched hers.

  She pulled her hand from his grip to regain some composure and forced herself to stop staring at his full lips. “What kind of name is Dimitrov?” Shit. I may as well take off these damn stilettos and insert them in my mouth . “I’m sorry; I usually don’t have bad manners. It’s just been a strange day.” Now I’m babbling.

  She cringed and turned back toward the door, but he leaned over and opened it before she could lift a hand. That wonderful smell unique to Angel drifted up her nose and traveled straight to her pussy. Her inner walls clenched, and moisture flooded her panties. Oh my God, I’m a total slut. I just met the guy, and I’m ready to do him on the porch.

  The door swung in, and Ember quickly stepped inside, leaving it open for him to follow. She stopped at the kitchen and pointed to the bar separating the living room. “You can just put them there.”

  He stepped past her to deposit the bags on the bar and she zeroed in on his ass. His low-slung jeans fit him perfectly, right down to the black shit-kickers that housed what looked to be huge feet.

  He had to be the sexiest man she’d ever seen. She wanted to run her hands down his back and over what could only be described as an ass created by the gods.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you while I’m here?”

  Ember blushed and glanced up. She’d been checking him out again and he knew it, if that sexy grin was any indication.

  She moved around him to hide her blush and opened the fridge. I can think of one thing you can do for me . “Thank you, I believe that was everything. Would you like a drink?” She held up a wine bottle for his inspection.

  He nodded. “That would be great.”

  “Have a seat. I can’t place the accent. Where are you from, and which condo is yours?” A nervous laugh bubbled up. “I’m sorry about all the questions. I’m a reporter; it’s my job.”

  He sat on a stool across the bar and winked at her. “It’s okay. I’m from Bulgaria originally, and I just moved in next door.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. They would be neighbors for at least a year if he signed a lease.

  Several questions surfaced, but she resisted the urge to voice them. He wasn’t wearing a ring, which was the most important thing at the moment.

  Ember had never been so attracted to a man before. It felt as if she’d known him forever. Something about him felt familiar. A dream she’d had recently flashed through her mind, but she shook it off. She couldn’t possibly have dreamed of a man she’d never met…could she? Her palms began to sweat, and her face felt hot. Damn. I need to get a grip.

  “Your bag is buzzing.” He nodded in the direction of her purse.

  It took a second to register what he’d said. She couldn’t look away from his eyes. They were such a unique color, reminding her of moss that hung from the many oak trees scattered around her parents’ yard.

  She managed to break eye contact, which made speaking a little easier. “Would you mind getting it for me?” Ember busied herself pouring their drinks to keep from diving across the bar and ripping his shirt off.

  Their fingers brushed when she handed him the drink, and heat traveled up her arm to settle in her heart.

  There was no denying she was falling for a total stranger. She couldn’t even look at him without losing her breath. It went beyond want or need. Something shifted in her very soul.

  Ember accepted the purse and dug out her cell. She took a sip of wine while checking the text message. It was from Laura. Something came up. Take a rain check?

  After a quick response to her friend that it was fine, she also sent a reply to the detective. Sorry, Clay. Had a meeting. Call you tomorrow.

  She set the phone aside and noticed Angel staring at her over the rim of his glass with a look that could only be described as hunger.

  Clearing her throat, she asked. “Would you like some music?”

  “That would be great.” His deeply accented voice did crazy things to her insides.

  “Looks like I’ll be staying in tonight. Are you hungry?”

  Something flickered in his eyes. “Am I keeping you from something?”

  “Not at all. I was supposed to have dinner with a friend to celebrate my promotion, but she had to cancel.”

  “Congratulations. What kind of promotion?”

  Was that relief in his voice?

  “I’m a reporter for the Lakeland Hedger. I just made lead photojournalist. What kind of music would you like?”

  “Brains as well as beauty…and whatever you have is fine.”

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Music? I’m okay with anything you have.” There was no mistaking the twinkle in his eyes or the innuendo.

  Ember laughed to cover her nervousness and strolled into the living room to search through her many CDs lined under the stereo. She selected the soundtrack to her favorite vampire movie.

  His scent suddenly enveloped her, leaving no doubt he’d followed. She’d never been so attuned to another’s smell before…other than Alan’s breath, but that was on a whole different level. Angel’s incredible scent didn’t stop at her nose. It flowed through her body like lava, melting any resistance in its way.

  “You have quite a collection. Vampires? I wouldn’t have pegged you for Team—”

  A phone ringing cut off his words. “I have to go. I’m sorry.” Regret was evident in his voice.

  He was almost to the kitchen before she’d turned completely around.

  She wanted to run after him. Yeah, desperation in its finest form.

  He opened the door and glanced back at her. “Your last name should be Burns.” It closed softly behind him.

  Ember Burns? Her lips twitched at the play on words.

  Chapter Three

  Ember stripped out of her clothes and ventured back to the kitchen to finish her wine. She drank Angel’s also and picked up the bottle and her cell before heading to the bathroom.

  Bright light nearly blinded her when she flipped the switch, leaving her to blink several times until her eyes adjusted to the invasion. After starting the shower, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. There was nothing unique about her body other than high, perky breasts. A narrow waist led to full hips and a slightly too plump rear.

  Ember turned from her reflection to step into the shower and let the hot water soothe away the remnants of the day. With the complaint filed against her, the pictures showing up again, and a sexy Angel moving in next door, her emotions had taken one hell of a ride.

  She really needed to talk to Laura about the day’s events. Ember rushed through her shower, grabbed a towel from the rack and hurried out. The heavy terry cloth felt good against her skin. She dried quickly and dialed he
r friend.

  “Hello?” Some of her tension left with the sound of Laura’s voice.

  “Hi. You got a minute?”

  “Yeah. Sorry I bailed on you, but Mom fell. She’s okay. They took her to the hospital for X-rays to be on the safe side.”

  “Oh no. Just let me get dressed, and I’ll be on my way.”

  “Don’t be silly. She’s fine. I’m heading up to check on her now. I’m sure they’ll release her tonight. What’s up?”

  “It can wait. You have a lot on your mind right now. Call me when you know something.”

  “Spill it, Em. I have a few minutes left of this drive; it’ll take my mind off things.”

  Ember took a deep breath. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

  Laura laughed. “You really need to get laid.”

  “No shit, but I’m serious.”

  “Okay. Who are we talking about here? And, no, I don’t. Lust at first sight maybe, but love?”

  “My new neighbor. I just met him an hour ago, but something happened between us, and my entire world tilted on its axis.”

  “Wow, did you sleep with him?” Humor was still obvious in her voice.

  “I’m totally not kidding here.” Although I wish I were. How do you tell someone you may be in love with a stranger? “I have never felt like this before. I know it’s crazy, but there it is.”

  “What’s this phenomenon’s name?”

  “Angelo. He goes by Angel. He’s really tall with dark hair and has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Even his voice is hypnotic. And he smells so good; I could eat him with chopsticks.”

  “Maybe he is an angel.”


  “I’m teasing. Okay, so you think you fell in love with your neighbor. It’s probably just a healthy dose of chemistry. That happens sometimes. I’m sure it’ll fade after you sleep with him. How was his breath? Did you at least kiss him?” She was definitely fighting a chuckle.

  “It was perfect. He got a call and had to leave suddenly so I didn’t get a chance.”

  “It’s probably your hormones or lack of sexual activity.”

  Ember finally laughed. No one could make a weird situation funny quite the way Laura could.