Lydia's Secret (The Secret Series Book 1) Read online

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  Roman stopped just inside the archway and watched as Lydia rummaged through a cabinet. She’d pulled up a stool to stand on, obviously too short to find what she searched for. He lounged against the archway, listening to her mutter something as she reached for a bottle on the top shelf.

  “Do you need some help? He almost smiled when she stood on tiptoe.

  She glanced back at him. “Thanks, but I got—”

  Her robe tangled around her feet and she toppled over sideways. Roman shot forward, catching her in his arms before she could finish a gasp. Time slowed to a crawl as he held her against his body. They stared at each another for long seconds until something shifted inside him.

  Lydia’s heartbeat echoed throughout the room, strong and full of life. Her scent drifted up his nose, bathing his throat in a flavor he wanted to drown in. He could feel everything she felt. It washed over him to settle inside of his ancient heart. She wants me.

  * * * * *

  Lydia’s entire body felt weak. Everywhere Roman touched her seemed to burn. How could she want a man she barely knew? A man who’d just admitted to being a monster. It was insane, immoral, and completely unbelievable. But she did believe him, and that scared her more than her feelings for him.

  She broke eye contact and pushed against his chest. He let her slide down his body until her feet touched the floor.

  “Thank you.” The husky sound of her voice shocked her.

  “What were you looking for?”

  “Headache medicine.” She repeated the name of her prescription. “I keep it on the top shelf so that Jacie can’t get to it.”

  Roman quickly snagged the bottle she referred to, holding it up for inspection. A frown wrinkled his brow. “You have migraines?”

  “Yes.” She reached for the pills, but he pulled them back.

  “How long have you suffered with them?”

  “A few years. Since…”

  “Since your daughter got sick.”

  “Yes. I began having them not long after she was diagnosed. May I please have them now?”

  His answer was to toss them in the trash next to the fridge.

  It stunned Lydia. She couldn’t believe he’d just thrown away her only escape from the pain. “Why would you do that? I need those.”

  “Come.” He threaded around her and took hold of her hand.

  Lydia allowed him to pull her into the living room, more than a little curious. “What are you doing?”

  He led her to the sofa and took a seat, tugging her down with him. “Sit and close your eyes.”

  Lydia found herself sinking down into the cushions. She didn’t bother questioning why she trusted him. She just knew that she did.

  “Relax.” His warm breath fanned over her face, and she breathed him in.

  The touch of his fingers on her temples sent tingles through her body. Warmth seeped into her brain, and she let her eyes drift shut. The pain quickly receded, and she sighed in pleasure.

  “How…?” She couldn’t seem to finish a thought.

  “Just enjoy it.”

  Lydia was on board with that idea. She relaxed her mind and let her head fall back. He moved closer, and she lowered her shoulder to expose her neck. She wanted him to kiss her more than anything.

  The feel of his tongue suddenly on her throat sent chills skating across her skin. She moaned aloud.

  “Do you know what you do to me?” His teeth coasted over to her jawline, nipping at her chin.

  The fingers lightly massaging her temples shifted to cup her head as he opened his lips over hers. She’d never tasted anything as good as Roman Castillo.

  With a sigh of surrender, Lydia brought her arms around his neck and gave a little tug. He lifted his body and covered hers until she lay flat on her back. The weight of him on top of her coupled with his devouring mouth damn near took her breath. She let her foot drop off the edge of the couch, and he settled between her legs.

  “So damn beautiful.” He softly sucked her bottom lip.

  If he wanted a response, she was incapable at that point. Reality slipped away, and nothing mattered but how he made her feel.

  He abruptly broke off the kiss and nudged her face to the side. His deep voice rumbled in her ear. “I need to taste you.”

  Her heart jackknifed. No one had ever gone down on her before. What if she did something wrong? What if she were a disappointment to him in some way?

  “Lydia?” He emphasized the word with a grind of his jean-clad cock against her pussy.

  Lydia’s hips bucked against her will. The rough material of the denim pressing against her clit shot incredible sensations throughout her lower body that she’d never felt before.

  She withdrew her foot from the floor and locked her legs around his thighs.

  A low rumble came from his chest. She wasn’t sure if it was a growl or laughter. It didn’t matter as long as he didn’t stop.

  “You like that?” He rolled his hips again.

  “Oh, God.” All thought fled but the feeling of his heat and hardness on her most sensitive place.

  Moisture flooded her thighs and a throbbing grew so powerful it took on a life of its own.

  “I smell you, Lydia. Fuck, I can smell your heat.” His voice sounded inhuman.

  Roman grabbed hold of her hands and jerked them over her head. He brought his face into her line of vision, and the feral light in his eyes burned red. Fangs peeked out from his mouth, resting on his bottom lip. “Don’t move. Do you understand?”

  He sounded pissed or pained. She wasn’t sure.

  “Tell me. Now.” His demand shattered any inhibitions she may have had.

  “Yes,” she breathed, her system flooding with anticipation of what would happen next. She didn’t have long to wait.

  Roman let go of her hands and rose up on his knees. He slid his way down her body, never breaking eye contact. His heavy-lidded expression had to be one of the sexiest things she’d ever seen.

  The sash of her robe came open effortlessly under his masterful touch, and he parted the material to reveal her nude form to his gaze.

  Cool air touched her skin but did nothing to relieve the heat burning in her blood.

  Romans gaze left hers and traveled down her body, stopping at her exposed pussy. Embarrassment was swift, and she attempted to close her legs. His hands locked on to her thighs, holding them open for his perusal. Lydia turned her face to the side to avoid watching him as he studied her most secret place. She could hear his breathing grow choppy, feel the tension in every move he made.

  His mouth touched her thigh, causing her to tense up. Teeth scraped against her skin, and her body jerked in response. Her breath left on a shaky sigh.

  A finger parted her wet folds, and she forgot to breathe. It slid up and down her slit in achingly slow strokes.

  Tingling pleasure followed his touch, leaving her open to an awareness she’d never imagined before.

  “You’re so wet for me, Lydia.” His intoxicating voice drew her attention down to his face. His eyes gleamed at her beneath lowered lashes, and his mouth against her thigh unraveled the worry creeping up in her mind.

  “Your scent.” He dipped a finger inside her and slowly drew it back.

  Her pussy ached, and an insistent thrumming resonated inside her. She wanted more than just a tiny caress and her hips arched a fraction.

  He brought the finger to his lips and licked the dewy tip.

  Lydia’s eyes widened and heat flushed her cheeks. The sight of his face enjoying her taste was more than any romance novels she’d read.

  “Delicious.” The growl in his voice turned her on as much as his words.

  She had a moment to realize his intention before he moved, his tongue swiping against her slit in a slow tease. She gripped his head, digging her nails into his scalp. “You shouldn’t—”

  His tongue flicked against her clit, and she cried out softly. Roman wrapped his arms around her thighs and hauled her forward. The brush of her pussy li
ps against his unforgiving mouth sent goose bumps along her skin.

  Her hands flew to his forearms and she held on tight. He licked and sucked until pleasure mounted faster than anything she could have managed on her own. The sound of his moans and hers blended with the lustful noises of his talented tongue and mouth.

  Pressure increased at her spine, and she tried to pull away from him. The intensity was too much, driving her to the point of insanity.

  He moved just right, and she held her breath for a moment’s whisper before shattering over the pinnacle into an orgasm. Her inner walls clenched, begging for his touch while her body trembled against him.

  Lydia stared down at Roman as he lapped at her in slow licks. His predatory grin told her he wasn’t finished with her yet. He crawled up her body and covered her mouth with his. The taste of herself on him overwhelmed her senses.

  He broke off the kiss. “I want you.”

  “Yes.” She craved him with everything inside her.

  A loud knock at the door jerked her out of her sensual haze. She tried to move, but Roman had her trapped against the couch.

  “Get up.” Mortifying embarrassment burned through her. If someone saw what she’d been doing…

  “Shhh. Stay still.” He put his hand against her ribs, just below her left breast. She could feel her heart hammering and wondered if he could feel it too. Roman inhaled slowly.

  “I need to answer the door.” She pushed against his chest.

  His face looked pained, and he muttered something in a language she didn’t recognize. By the time she got her robe situated he was at her door.

  Her headache returned in full force. “Wait. I’ll get it.”

  Chapter Nine

  “At least check the peephole first,” Roman demanded as Lydia stepped in front of him.

  She flipped the lock with heat flushing her face. There was no way in hell she was going to draw attention to the fact that she was too short to see out of it.

  “You should be more careful.” He sounded irritated.

  Icy wind whipped inside, stealing her breath as she hauled the door open. “Can I help you?” she asked, pulling her robe together at the neck.

  A teenager stood in the shadows of her porch. Nothing about him seemed familiar. His dark hair hung in a shaggy mess around his face. “I’m here to speak with Roman, please.”


  Her heart did a weird twist. Is he Roman’s son? The smooth voice was completely at odds with his disheveled appearance.

  Something must have shown on her face because he held up his hands. “I work with him. I’m Max.”

  Without missing a beat, she pulled the door wider so that he could see Roman standing in her entryway.

  “Max. I take it you found something?” Roman’s deep voice came from inches behind her.

  “Yeah. Is there a place we can talk?”

  Roman’s fingers brushed her cheek and she turned to look up at him. “This is about work, Lydia. Can we use your kitchen table?”

  “Sure.” The change in Roman was immediate. Gone was the seductive man with one thing on his mind. This Roman was more abrupt. Almost angry.

  Lydia waved Max inside, shut the door with a firm push, and slid the deadbolt into place. She’d almost had sex on the couch. With a vampire.

  * * * *

  Roman eyed the young wolf with no little annoyance. “Your timing, as ever, sucks.”

  Max shrugged a shoulder without a hint of remorse. “You need to hear this.”

  They reached the kitchen, and Max glanced around before settling into a seat with his back to the front door.

  Roman took the one facing him “Why didn’t you call?”

  “Cell phone service is down. Couldn’t get through to you.”

  Roman leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “What’s going on?”

  “I found Svetlana.”

  A cold rage ignited in his gut. “Tell me everything.”

  “I followed Ivy back to her lair. Although the stench was powerful enough, I could have found her without tailing the fledgling.”

  Roman arched an eyebrow. “Ivy?”

  Lydia breezed into the kitchen in jeans and a sweatshirt. She looked cool and refreshed, far from the awkward woman he’d expected.

  “Welcome to my home, Max. Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Coffee, please.”

  “He’ll take milk.” Roman winked at Max before shifting his gaze to Lydia.

  “I’d prefer coffee. It’s been a long night.” The kid ran a hand over his face and slouched in his chair.

  Roman watched the wolf for signs of strain. He was young enough to bounce back from energy drains, but he’d been out tracking for several days. He had to be exhausted. The last thing he needed was more caffeine.

  “The snow is really coming down.” Lydia moved around in the kitchen, busying herself with Max’s needs.

  The fact that she hadn’t asked him if he wanted anything wasn’t lost on Roman. No, it wasn’t irritating at all. His eyes narrowed.

  Max gestured toward the living room, and Roman shook his head. If they moved in there, Lydia would likely take offense. It would become obvious they were trying to avoid her.

  “How long until Svetlana makes her move, do you think?” Max sounded weary.

  “No idea.” They kept their voices far lower than a human’s normal range so Lydia wouldn’t overhear.

  “Here ya go.” She set a white mug in front of the new guest.

  Max stared at it without expression. “That’s not coffee.”

  “No, it’s hot chocolate. I doubt you’ll be leaving in this storm, Max, so you might as well rest.”

  Roman sat up straight. “Wait a min—”

  “No thank— ” Max tried to stand, but Lydia put her hand firmly on his shoulder.

  It was almost amusing to see the sarcastic kid at a loss for words.

  “I don’t want to hear it. You guys figure out the sleeping arrangements, but I’m not sending you back out in this weather.”

  Max glanced up with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  Dammit, Roman mentally swore, clenching his jaw. Lydia had just made it clear she would be sleeping alone. He could kick Max’s ass for being the king of bad timing.

  Lydia held a mug in front of Roman. The scent was distinctly coffee. He took it with surprise, brushing his fingers over her wrist. Immediately her pulse kicked up, and the flush staining her cheeks told him she wasn’t as unaffected as she seemed to be.

  She retrieved a plate of cookies and set it down on the table between them. “Sorry. All I have are chocolate chip. I’ll leave you guys to your work. It’s been a long day for me, so I’m turning in.” With that abrupt announcement, she turned on her heel and walked out.

  Roman stared after her with a mixture of frustration and admiration. After everything she’d gone through today, she’d handled hostess duties like a queen.

  He looked back at Max and found him staring into his mug. “What is it?”

  “I’ve never had hot chocolate.”

  Max’s words held a weight of history. A past he hadn’t talked about previously, except in strange remarks like now. Roman could count on one hand the number of kids he’d come across who had never enjoyed the simple luxuries others took for granted.

  The young shifter picked up the mug and took a slow sip. A grin broke out on his face, the iron weight of his mask slipping for just a moment. “She used milk.”

  Roman laughed briefly before sobering. “Back to Svetlana.”

  “Right. She sent Ivy with a message for you.”

  “Yeah. I spoke with Madison. And you’re on a first-name basis with a fledgling?”

  Max shifted in his seat, clearly uncomfortable with the question. “She’s newly turned and young. Younger than me, I think…”

  “Son of a bitch.” Roman saw red. Vampires weren’t always the most moral of creatures, but there were a couple of laws th
at even the lowest of their kind knew to abide by. Don’t create fledglings against their will, and never children.

  “I thought you would feel that way, so maybe you won’t blow a fuse about the outcome.”

  Roman waited, somehow knowing what came next.

  “I brought her back with me.”

  “Where is she now?” Roman’s gut tightened with dread.

  “At the compound.”

  “With Madison? Have you lost your mind?”

  “She’s locked up behind silver bars, Roman. She couldn’t hurt Madison even if she wanted to.”

  Roman stood so fast his chair toppled over behind him. “She won’t be able to help herself. She’s newly turned. Bloodlust will be inevitable if she gets a whiff of Madison. She is human, in case you forgot.”

  Max rose also. “How could I forget that? She reminds me of it daily. Look, Ivy’s different. I don’t know how to explain it, but she is and she won’t hurt anyone.”

  “I’m more concerned about Svetlana coming after her fledgling, and Madison’s there unprotected.” Roman shot to the guestroom to grab his cell and was back before Max could bat an eye.

  “What are you doing? And Madison isn’t unprotected. Sawyer is there and so is Niko.” Max took another sip of his hot chocolate.

  “I’m calling Madison.”

  “The phones are down.”

  Roman dialed his office only to encounter a busy signal. “Fuck.”

  “Listen. Svetlana would have a hell of a time getting past the silver-reinforced doors. If Madison doesn’t buzz her inside, she can’t get in. And we both know our little human potty mouth isn’t stupid. Not in that area at least.” Max stayed on the receiving end of her verbal jabs enough to know how quick she was.

  “You’re right. Nothing can get past the doors, which is why I’m taking Lydia and Jacie there. Now.” Roman moved toward the hallway as he spoke.

  “Wait. In this storm?”

  “We don’t have a choice. Svetlana doesn’t go anywhere without a small army. We’re sitting ducks in this house.”

  Max nodded. “I’ll go warm up the SUV.”